Hi. I’m working professional in the field of linux devops role in the field of Information Technology. Most of my works is on management of Web, application and database server, deployment automation and troubleshooting.
I have 13 years of experience in systems and cloud engineering. I have bunch of IT certification and the latest one is AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional.
I’m based out of Boston, MA. I worked for one of the fortune 5 company building their CI/CD pipeline, securing and architecting application in the cloud from ground up to production. I have worked for McgrawHill Education, GE, American Express, TCS and Dynatrace.
I can be found at some camp site with my family on summer weekends. I enjoy playing Volleyball and Cricket.
If you see anything that I can improve on this site feel free to drop me an email on jayeshmahajan_AT_gmail.com.
Thank you,
– Jayesh