.so: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied

When I start the application in debug mode (sh -x) it works fine after taking few seconds while loading the libraries but without debug mode it failes with .so : cannot open shared object file: Permission denied even though it has proper read permission as well as proper read permission to all parent folders.

Then I figured out that its due to selinux in enforcing state.

Change : /etc/selinux/config from SELINUX=enforcing ## or permissive to SELINUX=disabled

Vagrant and Ansible: Automate wordpress blog site. Post a blog using a file by python script


1. You need to have Virtualization software installed on your desktop. You can try Oracle Vm VirtualBox.

2. You need to have Vagrant installed your computer.

Instruction for using this.

1. Setup Linux Vagrant VM. I have used CentOS here as mentioned in below command.

#mkdir -p /path/to/your/project

#vagrant init chef/centos-6.5 https://atlas.hashicorp.com/chef/boxes/centos-6.5

– Setup the Vagrantfile provided in this repository and replace it here. Make sure to change the port on line no 45 if the
host port 8888 is already used on your computer.

2. Start the Virtual machine Vagrant box.

#vagrant up

– You are now running with wordpress site and you can verify that by accessing http://localhost:8888/ ( The port no is the
one that you have specified as host port no in above step)

– During this installation it installs epel repo, git and ansible locally

– It also runs ansible locally here. But you can leverage ansible script to run remotely.

– It also make sure that sshe keys are setup so that it wont prompt for login promp and key authentication during ansible play book run.

– It downloads the current git repo as per Vagrant files config.vm.provision script.

– It runs the ansible playbook to install all require software for wordpress.

– Here is the command that you have use in order to apply ansible-playbook manually.

– ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml
3. Make sure to change the permission for blog_post.py as executable and while executing that script pass file that you want
to post it.

#chmod +x blog_post.py

#./blog_post.py filename.txt

– This adds the first line of filename.txt as a title of the post and rest of the line as contents of the post.

– Make sure to provide correct site URL here. on line no 7 of the script wp_site = “http://localhost/” or wp_site = “http://localhost:8888/” from whereever you are testing the site.

– This scripts uses automation user login credentails which were created during mysql db creation/import processs from
ansible’s wordpress role.

Documentation for Ansible configuration.

1. hosts:

– In this file make sure to add the correct IP or hostname at the bottom of the file. Right now it had localhost IP. but
if you are running it remotely make sure to add the IP or hostname under [wordpress-server]

2. site.yml
– Thi is site configuration and will apply only for all machines mentioned in [wordpress-server] and applied those by

3. roles
– This folder has different roles which has details about different components require for wordpress installation.
– common: You can add common software here. I have added epel-release repo and git there. So if you are using the ansible config from seperate ansible it will install require software on local macine if you are not installing it from vagrant provision script.

– apache: Installs httpd apache. Make sure to update. Custom config file for it is at templates/vhost.conf.j2

– mysql: Installs mysql related sofrware and adds the configuration for it. my.cnf file is specified in
– wordpress: Downloads and installs wordpress. Custom config file for it is at templates/wp-config.php.j2 as as well as
sql dump file. This mysqldump has been created after insall process (seperately) in order to get plain site page to
take out UI steps of going through install process after wordpress installation.

Configurations and credentails:

Configuations are mentioned in : /group_vars/all

wordpress console login :

Admin User : admin

Password: q1w2e3r4

Api script login :

Username: automation

Password: q1w2e3r4