Useful tools for techies especially for developers and sys admin

There are many situation in programming and testing where we can use these tools to get our work done faster and effectively.

1) Firebug Download
Very interesting tool. Can not live without it if you really have to do Javascript and CSS testing. Not only that it also helps in request tracking and cookie management.

2) FireCookie download
Another interesting FireFox add on for cookie management. You can change the cookie on the fly and add new cookie whenever required. Very use full if your site is using cookie intensively.

3) YSlow Download
Add on to firefox, very use full if you have to asses performance of your site. specially recommendation and site score by Yslow is use full to improve overall performance of site.

4) Web Developer Download
Add on to firefox. You can do ton of things from debugging java script to changing and testing css, HTML on the fly with web developer tool. Have to have tool for HTML developer.

5) HTTP Watch Download
Very use full tool for both IE and firefox for inspecting http traffic on site. Very use full to debug some performance issue. Can watch AJAX request and response and debug it. You cn also use Net tab in firebug for same perpose though. But some time I feel Net tab doesn’t work, HTTP Watch is more relaiable.

6) Fiddler Download
ooooo … debugging traffic and web issue in IE is really difficult. Fiddler is one of those tool that can help to watch traffic on site easily.

7) Samurai Thread dump analyzer Download
Very use full tool to analyze thread dump. If your site is having performance issues (100% CPU usage). You can use this tool to analyze all the waiting threads. You can take thread dump using command kill -3

8) JadEclipse Download JAD Executable Download
Use full tool to decompile class file in eclipse. After installing JAD eclipse, go to windows -> preferences -> Jad Eclipse -> and set Path to decompiler as C:JADjad.exe and Directory as temp file as D:TEMP. for jad eclipse to work.

9) Jmeter Download
Very use full tool to do load testing. Since this tool is free you can easily do load testing on your site whenever you want. Also this tool is very easy to set up and configure.

10) HTML Parser Download
Another Use full free java API to parse HTML. Documentation of this API is not good though with some inspection you will find this API very interesting and easy to use.

11) Regular Expression check Link
If you are using regular expression a lot, this web site will help you to create and test your regular expression. I use this link quite often to test my regex expressions.

12) Key Notes Download
Well, This is not any tool as such but very use full to keep your notes.

13) Java Code analyzer tool Download Download for eclipse
It is a very use full tool to analyze Java code performance. There are plug ins available for many IDE. Tool also tells you if you have any code issue in your code (Null pointer exception and all). Very use full to develop a quality code.

14) Message Post tool (Wget) Download
Wget is very handy massage POST tool and can be used to POST XML across applications.

15) Visual VM (Java Profiling tool) Download
Very nice and neat free Java profiling tool. For enterprise application I will even recommend YourKit Download. But for quick and free memory issue problems you can can use this tool effectively. You should have Java 6.0 for this to run.

16) Any Edit plugin for eclipse Download
If the JSP pages contains a lot of white spaces or tabs, it may take more time to load the page and requires more network band width. Any Edit is a nice tool to remove unnecessary spaces from the page.

17) Heap Dump Analyzer (MAT) Download
Some time your application suffer with memory issues, for example out of memory error. And you don’t have any idea what is going on. There are many different reasons for out of memory error but most common is memory leak. Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) is a power full to tool to analyze heap dump and narrow down the problem. Please note that you should have -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError parameter set to collect heap dump. Java 1.6 also comes with a tool called jmap (memory map) to force heap dump. More information can be found here.

Delete mails from exchange server

First you will need to install fecthmail.
You need to create one hidden file with email user’s details with “.fetchmailrc” name.

poll protocol IMAP:
user YOUR_USER_ID_HERE with password YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE some text

Then to fetch the mail you will have to fire this in order to flush the mail from your exchange server.

#/usr/local/bin/fetchmail -a -K -v -F –limitflush –limit 5